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  • #843949
    L martullee
    Registrovaný uživatel

    ahoj maminky, jsem zaskočená co se v dnešní době děje, píšu to z vlastní zkušenosti a chci se s Vámi o to podělit a porosit možná o radu a hlavně o Váš názor a pohled na věc, můj syn Jakub je mu pět let už od tří let chodí do školky, moc se mu tam líbí, učím ho být ohleduplný, hodný, aby se rozdělil a nebyl sobecký, prostě asi všechny takové vlastnosti co učí všechny maminky své děti, proto nerozumím tomu, že mi Kubík doma potají zašal brát drobné hračky které nosí do školky a paní učitelka mi je vždy pak odevzdá s tím že si Kubík tím kupuje kamarády, no to asnad není pravda nikdy si nemusel kupovat kamarády, jeden večer jsme si tedy sedli a já to sním probírala, proč a komu, to co mi řekl jsem myslela že je špatný vtip, řekl mi že ondra jeho kamarád mu řekl že když mu přinese něco z domu tak si sním bude hrát a půjčí mu školkovské hračky a náš kuba to tak dělal, ted se snažím hlídat to ale je to přímo ponižující hlídat a nevěřit vlastnímu dítěti, ano šla jsem za učitelkou řekla ji to ale nikde nebylo odvolání, je mi z toho všelijak protože mi je Kubíka líto, ale takhle to nejde ted čekám druhé dítě bude to holčička a vím že Kubík bude štastný a bude si mít ským hrát zadarmo, a co víc chodím k jedné kamarádce s kterou se znám od narození méého syna ona má holčičku o rok starší a víte co začala to dělat taky…..a když jsem to řekla mé kamarádce odpověděla mi že jsou to jen děti, ale k nám když někdo přijde ta nemusí platit za půjčení hraček ba naopak Kuba půjčí vše……….

    r r64ae4ea9702f5

    Pokud jde o tvou kamarádku, je pochopitelné, že se jí zdá, že jsou to jen děti a že to není takový problém. Nicméně, je důležité respektovat tvé pocity a obavy ohledně situace. Pokud si nepřejete, aby vaše děti přinášely hračky k půjčení, měla by tvá kamarádka tuto hranici respektovat. Můžeš s ní mluvit o svých obavách a doufat, že společně najdete řešení, které bude fungovat pro vás obě. MyCCPay

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    It seems like you’re interested in discussing children’s behavior. Children’s behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including their age, environment, genetics, upbringing, and personal experiences. It’s important to remember that every child is unique, and their behavior can vary widely. Here are some general points to consider when discussing children’s behavior:

    1. **Developmental Stages:** Children go through various developmental stages, and their behavior often changes as they grow. These stages are characterized by different cognitive, emotional, and social abilities. Understanding these stages can help caregivers and parents respond appropriately to their children’s behavior.

    2. **Environment:** The environment a child grows up in plays a significant role in shaping their behavior. This includes the home environment, school, peers, and community. Positive and supportive environments generally contribute to healthier behavior, while negative or stressful environments can lead to challenging behaviors.

    3. **Parenting Style:** Parenting styles can greatly impact a child’s behavior. Authoritative parenting, which balances warmth and support with consistent boundaries, tends to promote positive behavior. Other styles like authoritarian or permissive parenting can lead to different outcomes.

    4. **Genetics and Biology:** Some aspects of behavior can be influenced by genetics and biological factors. For example, temperament and personality traits might have a genetic component.

    5. **Social and Emotional Skills:** Children are still developing their social and emotional skills. They may struggle with understanding and managing their emotions, communicating effectively, and navigating social interactions. Teaching these skills can help improve their behavior.

    6. **Communication:** Children may act out if they’re unable to express their thoughts, feelings, or needs effectively. Encouraging open communication and active listening can help address this issue.

    7. **Attention and Boundaries:** Children often seek attention, and they may display certain behaviors to get it. Establishing clear boundaries and providing positive attention for desired behaviors can help guide them toward more appropriate behavior.

    8. **Consistency:** Consistency in expectations and consequences is crucial for managing behavior. If children receive mixed messages, they might become confused or frustrated.

    9. **Positive Reinforcement:** Rewarding positive behavior with praise, privileges, or other rewards can be effective in encouraging children to repeat those behaviors.

    10. **Challenging Behaviors:** Some children might exhibit challenging behaviors, such as tantrums, aggression, or defiance. It’s important to address the underlying causes of these behaviors rather than just focusing on the behavior itself.

    11. **Special Needs:** Children with special needs or developmental differences may exhibit behavior that requires special attention and understanding. Working closely with professionals and educators can be helpful in managing these behaviors.

    Remember that children’s behavior is a complex interplay of multiple factors, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. If you have specific concerns about a child’s behavior, seeking guidance from pediatricians, child psychologists, or other professionals can provide valuable insights and home

    dmvnow one

    It’s reasonable for your friend to dismiss the incident as unimportant, considering that the perpetrators are children. However, your emotions and worries should be taken seriously. Your friend should respect your wishes regarding your children’s playthings. You can share your worries with her and hopefully come up with a compromise that satisfies you both.krowd darden

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    It sounds like you’re interested in discussing the behavior of children. Children’s behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including their age, environment, upbringing, and individual personalities. It’s important to remember that every child is unique, and what works for one child may not necessarily work for another. Here are some general observations and tips regarding children’s behavior:

    1. **Developmental Stages**: Children go through various developmental stages, each with its own set of behaviors. For example, toddlers may exhibit exploration, curiosity, and testing boundaries, while adolescents may display more independence and experimentation.

    2. **Communication**: Effective communication is crucial. Children may act out when they struggle to express themselves verbally. Encourage them to talk about their feelings and concerns, and actively listen to what they have to say.

    3. **Consistency and Routine**: Establishing a consistent routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability for children. This helps them know what to expect, which can reduce anxiety and disruptive behavior.

    4. **Positive Reinforcement**: Acknowledge and praise positive behaviors. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in shaping behavior. It helps children understand what’s expected of them and encourages them to continue those behaviors.

    5. **Set Clear Expectations**: Clearly communicate your expectations for behavior. Be specific about what is and isn’t acceptable, and provide consequences for both positive and negative behaviors.

    6. **Model Behavior**: Children often learn by example. Be a positive role model by demonstrating the behaviors you want to see in them.

    7. **Provide Boundaries**: Setting limits and boundaries is important. Children need to understand what is and isn’t allowed. This gives them a sense of security and helps them learn self-discipline.

    8. **Encourage Independence**: Allow children to make age-appropriate choices and take on responsibilities. This fosters a sense of independence and self-confidence.

    9. **Address Underlying Issues**: Sometimes, behavior issues may be a sign of underlying problems, such as physical discomfort, emotional distress, or learning difficulties. It’s important to address these issues with the appropriate professional help.

    10. **Patience and Empathy**: Understand that children are learning and growing. They may make mistakes along the way. It’s important to approach them with patience and empathy, and offer guidance rather than punishment.

    11. **Seek Professional Help if Needed**: If you’re concerned about your child’s behavior and efforts to address it at home aren’t effective, consider seeking advice from a pediatrician, child psychologist, or counselor.

    Remember, every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable in your approach to parenting and to always prioritize the well-being and development of your child.It sounds like you’re interested in discussing the behavior of children. Children’s behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including their age, environment, upbringing, and individual personalities. It’s important to remember that every child is unique, and what works for one child may not necessarily work for another. Here are some general observations and tips regarding children’s behavior:

    1. **Developmental Stages**: Children go through various developmental stages, each with its own set of behaviors. For example, toddlers may exhibit exploration, curiosity, and testing boundaries, while adolescents may display more independence and experimentation.

    2. **Communication**: Effective communication is crucial. Children may act out when they struggle to express themselves verbally. Encourage them to talk about their feelings and concerns, and actively listen to what they have to say.

    3. **Consistency and Routine**: Establishing a consistent routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability for children. This helps them know what to expect, which can reduce anxiety and disruptive behavior.

    4. **Positive Reinforcement**: Acknowledge and praise positive behaviors. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in shaping behavior. It helps children understand what’s expected of them and encourages them to continue those behaviors.

    5. **Set Clear Expectations**: Clearly communicate your expectations for behavior. Be specific about what is and isn’t acceptable, and provide consequences for both positive and negative behaviors.

    6. **Model Behavior**: Children often learn by example. Be a positive role model by demonstrating the behaviors you want to see in them.

    7. **Provide Boundaries**: Setting limits and boundaries is important. Children need to understand what is and isn’t allowed. This gives them a sense of security and helps them learn self-discipline.

    8. **Encourage Independence**: Allow children to make age-appropriate choices and take on responsibilities. This fosters a sense of independence and self-confidence.

    9. **Address Underlying Issues**: Sometimes, behavior issues may be a sign of underlying problems, such as physical discomfort, emotional distress, or learning difficulties. It’s important to address these issues with the appropriate professional help.

    10. **Patience and Empathy**: Understand that children are learning and growing. They may make mistakes along the way. It’s important to approach them with patience and empathy, and offer guidance rather than punishment.

    11. **Seek Professional Help if Needed**: If you’re concerned about your child’s behavior and efforts to address it at home aren’t effective, consider seeking advice from a pediatrician, child psychologist, or counselor.

    Remember, every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable in your approach to parenting and to always prioritize the well-being and development of your child.disney hub login

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